Just some incomplete flashes I've been working on.
C&C please.
Gore Shorts:
http://www.ucuaah.com/up/view/goreshor t_rush2.swf
http://www.ucuaah.com/up/view.php?id=7 032464_goreshort_rush1.swf
Big vs. Little(I was not inspired by Against the Colossus to make this animation, I've been working on it way before that even came out):
http://www.ucuaah.com/up/view.php?id=B igvs.swf
*Note: All of these animations are incomplete and may have some crappy endings, please do not criticize me on the incompleteness or endings.
**Note: All animations are copyright of Ucuaah Uploader and Animation.
***Note: All uploaded using the Ucuaah Uploader.